Has it ever happened to you that you are ready to start working, but no idea comes to your mind? Or you had the best idea ever and when you sit in front of your sketchbook or computer you go blank.
I hate when this happens, but I have learnt that the best I can do is try to draw what is in my mind in that moment, even if it is nothing, like the moment I have a huge white blank space in front of me and I thought how am I going to fill this with anything?
When I get a creativity block what help me the most is checking my emotions, how I am feeling, what do I want that the users from the other side see from me. And when I really have nothing from myself to share, the world around us is the answer.
I am a cinephile, I found a lot of inspiration in movies. The art that is required to make an outstanding film, from the idea, the sound, the story, everything that a story needs to be told has always called my attention. So when I feel I have zero ideas I always got to the cinema or watch any film at home to get inspired. If you are a movie fan as I am you can find some movie prints on my shop :)
What are your main sources to get inspired?