When I was a child I loved reading. I used to read fantasy books like Harry Potter. I liked how those books transported you to another reality, a new reality. I loved how the writer managed to immerse you in that new world, with new characters with whom I could empathize. As a girl I always had a lot of imagination, it was easy for me to fly through the clouds. Not now either, but when you enter adult life there is no choice but to have your feet on the ground. So over time I did not have the time or desire to sit down and read a book.
I am Argentinian, but I have been living abroad for years. I achieved more than I could imagine professionally and personally. I always feel very lucky. But there was something that didn't quite make me feel good.
There are times when you are going through changes that you may need to go back to some old nice hobbies. And for me it was necessary/imperative to return to books. I ended up reunited with something that I didn't even remember how good it was for me. Disconnecting from a screen and being able to sit and read on my couch is something that helped me not only get back on track, but also to learn many new things: I am reading books on spirituality, on leadership, and biographies. I'm feeling that happiness again when you found that book in a bookstore that you were looking for or the one you didn't even know existed but was written for you.
As an illustrator (I don't dedicate myself full time, but I always find time to dedicate to it), books are a great source of inspiration. When I want to sit down to draw and I don't have any ideas, I think about the books I am reading and I always find a thought, an idea, there is always a trigger that leads me to create something. So if you are in that moment when nothing inspires you, I recommend that you sit down and read. There are so many options that you are going to find something you like.
I hope we can all return to what we forget that is good for us. These are some book recommendations that I have found very interesting:
“Manifest 7 steps to living your best life” how to focus on your goals, and in what is important around you. Simple things matter.
"Measure what matters" I am currently reading this and discovering what OKRs are. I believe this concept can be applied to anything.
"Why has nobody told me this before?" currently reading this too. This book gives you tools to navigate everyday challengs. Really worth it.
Thank you so much as always for reading me. If you want to contact me in another social media here are the ones I have:
Instagram sharing everyday insights, tips, illustrations.
My Etsy Shop if you like my illustrations here you can find them applied in some products :) hope you like them!
Twitter also sharing art, photography, trips
Good reads sharing books all the time
Society6 more products here!
Tik tok sharing trips, illustrations processes and anything I found useful :)