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How to find your own style


Hey there! Whether you're just starting your journey into the world of illustration or you've been at it for a while, you might have asked yourself, "What's my style?" The quest to find your unique illustration style is both an exhilarating and, at times, perplexing journey. Let's delve into the creative processes and styles of three incredible illustrators - Liniers, Tove Jansson, and Maitena - to inspire you to discover your own artistic identity.

Liniers: Playfulness and Whimsy

Liniers, whose real name is Ricardo Siri, hails from Argentina and is known for his whimsical, playful illustrations. His work is a masterclass in letting your imagination run wild.

Doodle Freely
Liniers' style is all about embracing your inner child. Start with simple doodles of everyday objects or scenes. Don't worry about precision; let your lines flow freely. Try drawing your breakfast table, your cat napping, a cloud outside. These playful sketches can help you uncover your natural creative inclinations. when I don't know what to draw is supr helpful drawing what is around you.

Experiment with Different Tools
Liniers often experiments with various tools, from ink and watercolors to digital mediums. Don't be afraid to switch things up and find the medium that suits you best. Each tool can influence your style in unique ways.

Tove Jansson: Simplicity and Emotional Depth

Tove Jansson, the creator of the beloved Moomin characters, a huge influence for me, was a Finnish-Swedish illustrator who had a remarkable ability to infuse simplicity with profound emotional depth in her work.

Observe and Reflect
Tove Jansson's illustrations often revolve around the themes of nature and emotions. Take a cue from her by spending time in nature, observing its details, and reflecting on your own feelings and experiences. Your illustrations can become a canvas for your inner thoughts and the beauty you see in the world.

Minimalist Palette
Jansson's artwork is characterized by a minimalist color palette. Try experimenting with limited colors to create harmony and emphasis in your work. Simplicity can be a powerful tool for conveying complex emotions.

Maitena: Boldness and Satire

Maitena, an Argentine cartoonist, is famous for her sharp and satirical illustrations. Her fearless approach to tackling social issues makes her style distinct and compelling.

Find Your Message
Maitena's illustrations are often commentary on societal norms and human behavior. Consider what issues or themes matter most to you. Your style can evolve around the message you want to convey. It could be humor, satire, or a call to action.

Push Your Boundaries
Her illustrations are bold and unapologetic. Don't be afraid to push the boundaries of your comfort zone. Challenge conventions, try new techniques, and use your illustrations as a platform for your thoughts and ideas.

Finding Your Own Style
Now that we've explored the artistic worlds of Liniers, Tove Jansson, and Maitena, it's your turn to embark on your style journey.

Keep Experimenting! It's essential to remember that finding your illustration style is an ongoing process. Experiment with different techniques, subjects, and ideas. Your style might evolve and change as you discover what resonates with you. you have to draw a looot. I am on that journey as well.

Seek Inspiration, but Be Authentic
While it's great to draw inspiration from artists that we like, always stay true to yourself. Your unique experiences and perspective will be your greatest asset in developing a personal style that's truly your own.

In the end, finding your illustration style is about embracing your individuality and letting your creativity flow. So, grab your sketchbook, unleash your imagination, and let the artistic journey begin! Your style is out there waiting for you to uncover it, one brushstroke at a time.

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