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Hello everyone! How is your September going?

Mine great so far! This month I have an upcoming trip to Barcelona for a wedding (🎉🎉🎉). Really happy for my friends! I also subscribed to a women's association here in Modena (English speakers) which I feel would be great to get to know people from different cultures and countries. I am lucky that I can be myself in English. Italian is another story 😅

On October I am starting ceramics again! I am really excited about it, I wanted to be in an activity that don't involve screens. The course is not confirmed yet but I hope it be done. I have taken previously ceramics classes in Barcelona and I love it. Time flies when you are creating something with clay!

I also would like to start an Italian course. I have been studying German, but I have to prioritize Italian if want to be able to talk better with locals here. But I won't give up on German, I believe next year I will be back.

This month I have also received samples of a few products on my store I want to share with you. Everytime a sample arrives I am like a child on Christmas. Seeing something I created in a real life object overwhelms!

Vintage Teatowel

I created this illustration for a tea towel because I always wanted something like this in my kitchen. I would like to create more patterns like this

Totebag and mug

I also created a totebag because I use them a lot for carrying my books, going shopping. I am really happy with the results. And I am also on the making of a mug collection. This is the first one to arrive, but I hope they keep coming :)

In tune with my creativity, I have acquired a new camera I am super excited about! It was really difficult to find it on the market, and I hope it lasts many many years. For me photographs are a key part of my life, through a camera we create memories. I remember when we were young we used to say with my sisters that if there was a fire at home, the first thing we were taking with us were the family photo albums. I believe we still think that way.

I am also trying to use more analog media. I always draw with my Ipad, but I am starting to use other media like ink (as you can see on the post picture, you can see the process on my instagram), watercolor, gouache, pencils. I will be showing you my process here and in social media.

I am always reading something, I have so many books at home waiting to be finished. I am right now reading "Atomic Habits" by James Clear and it has so many great tips on how to improve your daily habits to achieve your goals. I am really impressed with how simply he explains it, you feel you can really do it without falling in the typical "maybe tomorrow"

I hope September is also for you a month of discovering new activities and exploring your one creative self 🍁

If you want to know a little more about me:

Instagram sharing everyday insights, tips, illustrations.

My Etsy Shop art prints, totebags, stickers, mugs and more! :) hope you like them!

Twitter also sharing art, photography, trips

Good reads sharing books all the time!

Tik tok sharing trips, illustrations processes and anything I found useful :)

Thank you and until next post!

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