Hello everyone!
Again with the story behind the comic: I guess this is a situation that happens to many. Even if you are working from home or at the office, the day is incredible outside, but you have work to do, meetings to attend.
Will be ever be happy with our current work situation? Or we always want more? More freedom above all. I always tell myself don't complain so much. But imagine waking up and be able to say I will be out for the next 4 hours. Pretty amazing right?
I have learnt that if you want something to change, you have to make it happen. Nothing will change if you don't move. So if you are willing to be your own boss and have that kind of freedom, go for it! Start with a plan, and make little steps day by day to achieve it. If you see anyone that has the same type of job you would like to have, check how they got there! Effort and consistency pay at the end of the day!
Future projects:
Right now I am working on a coloring book! Can't wait to finish it so I can show it to you!! Super excited about this!
Still working on my illustration skills, I would like to illustrate a whole book, I am scared feeling I am not good enough) but I just have to go for it and do it. There are no short cuts.
And a lot more but I am trying to go little by little :)
If you want to know a little more about me:
Instagram sharing everyday insights, tips, illustrations.
My Etsy Shop art prints, totebags, stickers, mugs and more! :) hope you like them!
Twitter also sharing art, photography, trips
Good reads sharing books all the time!
Tik tok sharing trips, illustrations processes and anything I found useful :)
Thank you and until next post!