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2024 is on!


Hi everyone! Happy New Year! Welcome to 2024! I love pair years, don't know why. I was wondering what number 24 means on internet, and it said "aligning your heart with your actions, finding a sense of balance and peace, and enjoying the beauty of life. It's a hugely spiritual number and one that encourages high vibrations, awareness, and trust in the beautiful journey ahead". 

I like this meaning, it makes me think is my goals are some kind aligned with it and yes! "Aligning your heart with your actions", I have many passions that I am always postponing or thinking I am not good enough, and I am decided this year to put the best of myself to make it work. Even if I can't do it as much as I want to.

"Finding a sense of balance and peace", many times we are overthinking and over worrying ourselves, I would like this year to enjoy more the present and stop prognosticating so much.

So I have set many goals for myself this year, and I wanted to share some with you that you might find useful or inspiring:

1. More exercise
Exercise = health. I have already improved my health a lot, been more conscious of what I eat. Some books that have really helped me with that are "The Healing Cookbook" by Gemma Ogston, and "The Clever Guts Diet Recipe Book" by Dr Claire Bailey. Easy recipes with not a million ingredients that make you want to cook them.

2. Learning a new skill
I love finishing the year knowing that I learnt something new, it has not to be exclusively related to work. This year I want to improve my Italian and start learning German (quite a challenge) but I like to keep my brain awake, and I am sure learning a new language will. I also will be learning Digital Marketing to give this the right push, stay tuned!

3. Focusing more on my illustration projects
I am a full time UX designer, but I studied Graphic Design and one of my passions in that field is and will always be illustration. I would like to focus more on improving my illustration style, what I communicate to you, and also creating better products for you guys! It is a huge pleasure to me knowing you have a piece of my art at your home, or that you gift it to someone you care about.

4. Read more
On 2023 I started reading a lot again as I used to when I was younger, and I would like to keep that hobby alive this year also. I love reading books that help your mindset like "The Tools" by Phil Stutz and Barry Michels (I can't recommend this book enough, it gives you really useful tools to change wrong mindsets) or "Why Nobody Told Me This Before?" by Dr. Julie Smith on things that we never explained to us and we keep falling into. 

Well, this is a few of the hundreds I wrote down. I believe this is a great year to find balance in your life, and focus on what is important to you.

Remember, trust in the beautiful journey ahead!

If you want to find on social media:

Instagram sharing everyday insights, tips, illustrations.

My Etsy Shop if you like my illustrations here you can find them applied in some products, :) hope you like them!

Twitter also sharing art, photography, trips

Good reads sharing books all the time

Society6 more products here!

Tik tok sharing trips, illustrations processes and anything I found useful :)

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